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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Kenan Güngör (de)

Kenan Güngör, Dipl. Soz., is owner of the Office for Society I Organization I Development [think.difference] in Vienna. As one of the most distinguished experts on integration and diversity issues in Austria, he advises and accompanies governmental and non-governmental organizations at the federal, state and municipal levels. Among other things, he has led numerous studies and integration-related mission statement processes at the state and city levels. As a strategic advisor, he accompanied, among others, the City of Vienna for several years in integration and diversity-related topics and was a visiting professor at the University of Vienna. He is also a member of the independent expert council of the Austrian federal government. He was the chair of the expert_forum Prevention, Deradicalization & Democracy Culture of the City of Vienna and in this context accompanies a comprehensive prevention program at Viennese schools.

His areas of expertise include: Social change, integration, participation, diversity, integration policy strategy development & communication, organizational development, urban sociology, youth, identity, conflict analysis, devaluations and radicalization.