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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

My Soul On the Weighing Scale

Big Data and Psychopolitics

Our psychological needs are an open door for “Psychopolitik”: our vulnerability is our need for community. Yet at least since Margarethe – „there is no such thing as a society“ – Thatcher our need for community is systematically thwarted. And that is a problem, because unlike physiological needs that cannot be replaced, psychological needs, if unmet, turn into compensatory behavior. As a result self-determination is replaced by self-measurement and relatedness is replaced by ranking. Because in order to succeed in the cybernetic control-society a lot of adaptability is necessary. However, adapting takes a lot of psychic costs which often lead to exhaustion and depression. That’s why this little talk suggests to put the digital scale away and to start building a society the self-determined and self-less self-loving way