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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Karmen Frankl (de)

Karmen Frankl is a co-founder and member of the Cologne-based initiative "Keupstrasse ist überall" since 2013.

The initiative provides psychological and social support for victims of the NSU nail bomb attack in Cologne as well as political work and networking with other initiatives and organisations against racism and right-wing violence throughout Germany.

The active members of the "Keupstraße ist überall" initiative make use of the unlimited spectrum of artistic possibilities and forms of expression in order to address the NSU complex and demonstrate its social roots.  Example: The street theatre/performance: "Akten Schreddern beim Verfassungschutz" - farce, scenic presentation.

Furthermore, the initiative, in cooperation with Schauspiel Köln, has set up a three-day tribunal in the presence of victims of the NSU terror, families, lawyers, activists, etc. in order to address in public the consequences of the cruel 20-year history of the NSU in the Federal Republic of Germany - and to name those responsible for the failure of state institutions and security agencies through a public prosecution.