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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive


What's the scope of the current nuclear threat in Austria?

After the nuclear meltdown of Fukushima in March 2011 many people became aware again of the potential hazards of nuclear technology. More than 25 years have now passed since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, which heavily impacted on Austria as well. Even farther back dates the fierce opposition by Austrians to the activation of its own nuclear power plant (NPP). In a referendum on November 5th 1978 the majority spoke out against the operation of the already finished NPP Zwentendorf. However, beyond the borders of Austria in a radius of 200 kilometres 31 nuclear reactors are in operation. Even in seismic areas: Less than 100 kilometres from the Austrian southern border lies the Slovenian NPP Krško. The reactor that went into operation in 1983 has caused unease for many years. Most Austrians are also opposed to Temelin, Mochovce and many other NPP-sites. However, nuclear energy is still prominently represented in Europe and is heavily subsidized with tax money under the EURATOM treaties.

Professor of security and risk sciences, Wolfgang Kromp, will discuss the current situation and gives an outlook on possible future scenarios.