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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Julia Schafferhofer (at)

Julia Schafferhofer has been working as a journalist for the Kleine Zeitung for 15 years - in various departments: e.g. science, health, city magazine G7, Graz, foreign policy. Since June 2015 she is editor for culture/media, since June 2018 in the Viennese editorial office. Her main areas of interest include: Film, film politics, media politics, festivals, interviews. She has been awarded several prizes for her work: among others as best regional journalist (Styria) by "Der Journalist" 2009, with the 2010 Science Journalism Award and with the Inge Morath Prize for Science Journalism 2012. Since 2016 she has been teaching at the University of Graz (uniT and Kulturreferat) together with a colleague the workshop "Theaterkritiken schreiben".