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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Elevate Mental Wealth - Psychological Resources For Transition


„We cannot bring well-being to human beings without equally well-being organisations, communities and societies“. Isaac Prilleltensky, psychologist

A global pandemic, wars, and the climate crisis all put a toll on the human psyche and on democracies alike. Individual wellbeing and heightened resources to respond may serve as a driver for change. Yet, to unleash psychological potential it is necessary to link questions of wellbeing with questions of fairness. Time to integrate evidence about human kind-ness in policy making instead of promoting wrong stories of the greedy human nature. And most importantly, it’s time to team up for transformation.

This panel opens an interdisciplinary dialogue with UK-based architect, urbanist and policy advisor Indy Johar (NetZeroCities) together with the sociologist and author Daniel Görtz/Hanzi Freinach and Jacob Bilabel. Hosted by psychologist, Irina Nalis, they will explore the gaps and bridges on improving contextual settings for individual development and societal progress.