Ableton Beginner Workshop

This years's Elevate Festival again offers two Ableton Live workshops, one for beginners and one for advanced users. Unique software to be presented in these workshops is probably the most popular product for writing, recording and performing music with a computer. Workshops will be hosted by DJ and producer Piece of Shh..., who is going to share his expertise with the participants. This will include an introduction to midi resampling, working with grooves and side chains, as well as learning how to make jungle vox and add them to composed tracks. Additionally, the extensive workshop programme will provide information on how to use Ableton Live for DJing or on how to play with samples in an instrumental way. Tracks resulting from the workshop will be made available for download at the Elevate homepage.
It is necessary to apply for the workshops online, as the number of participants is limited to 15 for each group. The participants will have to bring along their own computers and software (demo versions available over elevate). The workshops are free of charge! We advise on booking early!
Additionally, there is 1 x Ableton Live Intro to be raffled off.
Workshop Host: Piece of Shh... (Dis-patch / RS)