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Review: Day Four - Elevate the 21st Century
Monday,24 Oct 11
After two days of issue-specific events, Sunday’s program was focused on a more general view of the 21st century.
Workshops dealing with topics like capitalism and peer production presented alternatives to social as well as productive systems, while a Workshop especially designed for the youngest... more >>

Tuesday, 25.10.: Barcamp / Open Space
Monday,24 Oct 11
At the barcamp at Grüne Akademie (Green Academy), the discussion about topics related to Elevate Festival can continue. It's also an opportunity to connect with other people. Topics are suggested by participants - in an open space there are no limits for questions to be discussed, whether... more >>

Review: Day Three - Humans and Society
Monday,24 Oct 11
Discourse program:
What role do people play in our constantly evolving 21st century? Saturday's discourse program of this year's Elevate Festival focused on humans and society to answer this question.
At the workshop Queer Pop Politics? and the following discussion about indeterminacy as charm... more >>