Elevate Tour: 30 Sep in Graz / 1 Oct in Vienna
Thursday,29 Sep 11 09:08
Elevate Tour: 30 Sep in Graz / 1 Oct in Vienna
In the run-up to the Elevate Festival the Elevate Tour takes place with 8 stops in 6 countries. Its goal is on one hand, to present young Austrian artists on an international level and to get the agenda of the Festival across, on the other. At Friday the Tour stops at Postgarage in Graz, to went on to Vienna and become part of the Wave Festival Vienna on Saturday.
30.09.2011 – Elevate Tour Stop Graz
After a creative break, lasting several years, Photek is back and presents his interpretation of dubstep and UK bass music at the Elevate Tour-Stops in Graz and Vienna. Since releasing his legendary album Modus Operandi (1997) he is one of the pioneers of the drum&bass and jungle movement, which was formed in the 90’s.
Elevate presents him on stage with Austrian musicians like Cherry Sunkist, who has just released her new album Projection on comfortzone. Equipped with laptop, drum-machine, synthesizer and electric guitar, Cherry Sunkist provides an insight into a multi-faceted universe consisting of beats and electrified sounds, underlined by a distinctively modulated voice.
While there are manly DJs in the first room, there will be dark, drone live-music by artists like Reflector, Id and NA in the second. Moreover, there will be a crazy show by Fuckhead bearing the insane smirks of dilettante repeat offenders, containing analog actionism, digital arts, noise, dirt, trash and magnificent performative disasters.
Full Line-Up and further information
01.10.2011 – Elevate Tour Stop Vienna in cooperation with Waves Festival Vienna
On Saturday Elevate arranges an evening in context of the Waves Festival Vienna at the Pratersauna. The Wave Festival contains all kind of music from alternative up to electronic and considers itself as a showcase-festival in Viennese Clubs from 28.Sep-2.Oct.
Saturday’s programme focuses on dubstep, UK-bass music and house.
Full Line-Up and further information