
Drum Layering with Ableton Live (Pro) - 22.10.2011Forum Stadtpark Keller - |
16:30 - 18:30 |
Phon.o (Shitkatapult,50Weapons/de) |
When creating a unique drum sound, layering of drum-samples can be very useful. When applied correctly, this method brings not only a stronger character but also vitality and energy into the sounds and rhythms. Phon.o will demonstrate that same thing using the Ableton Live – sampler and Drum Rack software.
The second part of the workshop deals with methods of mixing (EQ-ing and compression), panning and how to incorporate Side-Chain effects.
Demo versions will be provided at the workshop, although personal laptops need to be brought along.
There will also be a raffle at which an Ableton-Live 8 Box can be won.