Jovanka von Wilsdorf (de)
Friday, 06 Mar 2020
brAIncandy: Ist das noch KI, oder kann das schon Musik
10:30 - 11:30
Forum Stadtpark Saloon
Machine Creativity
13:30 - 14:30
Forum Stadtpark Erdgeschoß
Jovanka v. Wilsdorf is a Berlin based musician and songwriter @ BMG Rights Management. With her band QUARKS she toured Europe and released 5 albums at Sony Music before she became a production consultant and artist profiler for major record companies such as Universal music as well as for the Music Pool and the Musicboard Berlin. Jovanka is a published book author and copywriter and hits the stage as a speaker on the topics of „creative writing“and „artificial intelligence & creativity“ since 2017. In 2019 she got appointed as a speaker for WeAreEurope.
Speaker presented as part of We Are Europe.