At the moment there are more than 50 active weather modification programs in the United States alone. But is it really possible to control the weather and to escape the forces of nature? Director Robert Greene has searched for answers by asking different weather experts. The documentary shows interviews with television meteorologists, weather channel-junkies and real experts like Pat Mooney from Canada, winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize and specialist for geo-engineering.

By the way, Pat Mooney is one of the guests of this year`s Elevate Festival. Owning the Weather is a history of weather modification schemes and their consequences for climate change. Director Robert Greene takes us along a trip throughout the country, showing a number of failed experiments. The result is a compelling study of science, nature, ingenuity and our all too human need to control. There is one main message of the film which summarises it perfectly well, "We have always wanted to control the weather. Now we may have to."

(ENG OV.; 93min; director: Robert Greene)