The ever-intensifying worldwide economic crisis is by no means a consequence of the insatiable greed of bankers or the misconduct of certain economic sectors. Rather, it is much more induced by political decisions made in the course of the last decade’s neo-liberal restructuring, and by an economic system whose supreme principle is the maximization of profit. When social and ecological interests are neglected and the corresponding necessary regulatory measures are missing, it is clear that periodic crises will crop up.

Keeping these details in mind, the first worskhop of the day invites discussion with the renowned political scientist Joachim Hirsch on current developments and the relationship between politics and economy. In the framework of the second workshop, Andreas Exner and Kristina Bayer will emphasize sustainable alternatives in the area of an economy of solidarity.

The correlations and interdependency between contemporary critical developments in economy, politics, and society offer the focal point for an exciting round of discussions concerning future scenarios that seem most likely to take place – a topic that will also be cause for debate later on. Are we in danger of a prolonged depression, along with all its devastating consequences, despite prevalent rhetoric to the contrary? How likely is an implementation of a new cumulative model that can bring the economy back into operation? Or, is it at all conceivable that an end to the capitalist world system now stands before us?

The evening panel discussion ultimately brings together a diverse selection of some of the most exiciting participants from the day's events on climate/energy, ecology, economy, politics, society, and media, in order to form a wider perspective of the issues at hand. We will also discuss how to plan for the future, and call attention to groundbreaking alternatives, which can bring us closer to a more democratic, cooperative, and sustainable society. We will highlight possible courses of action that we all must take in order to preserve the biosphere and to facilitate an existence worthy of living for all people.

The nature of the situation is serious, so it calls for a strong dose of humour. That's why we’ll close the day’s program with the Austrian premiere of the award-winning documentary “The Yes Men Fix the World,” and watch as the film makers and main actors Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonnano walk all over the powers that be...and rescue the world...naturally.

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