Today we find ourselves in a decisive phase of our relationship to nature. The intensification of man-made climate change has already yielded devastating effects: fundamentally important eco-systems are on the brink of collapse after centuries of reckless exploitation, and the rising energy, raw material, water and food requirements of humanity are becoming ever more difficult to meet.

We are running out of the fossil fuels that are essential for the functioning of the capitalist economic system. Peak Oil has already peaked!  Peak Gas and Peak Coal are set to follow in the next 20-30 years (according to more conservative estimates). The whole process of goods manufacture is currently dependent upon cheap oil, gas, and coal. The increasing shortage of these resources is set to exacerbate the current economic crisis as well as violent conflicts over access to raw materials.

The dominating and in many ways destructive industrial model of agricultural production in capitalist systems fails to nourish the people. Every year, millions starve and this food crisis is getting worse in the wake of climate change and the current economic crisis.

Especially damaging is the deterioration of eco-systems that are fundamental to the equilibrium of our biosphere. Should the Amazon Rainforest topple, for example, and, instead of continuing to absorb CO2, start emitting it, there would be a chain reaction with diverse consequences. Climate change would intensify enormously, launching a global catastrophy that would threaten the continuation of our civilization.

The good news is we can still prevent these developments. Yet according to current scientific findings we have only a maximum of 10-15 years left, perhaps less. It is imperative therefore to massively reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and to stop the ongoing destruction of the eco-system. All parts of society must be changed with these goals in mind.

Now is the time for everybody to take responsibility and alter their lifestyles, but above all, corresponding political frameworks are required. The Kyoto protocol – expiring in 2012- did not achieve a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Now what is most important is a follow up in which all forces in society are mobilized. The treaty must reach a resolution at the UN Climate Conference taking place in Copenhagen between the 7th and 18th of December. History shows that positive changes have rarely been produced without massive pressure from civil society and social movements. Therefore we want to discuss how we can effectivly build up this pressure here and now.

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