Markus Wissen
After completing his studies in political science at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and the Free University of Berlin, Markus Wissen worked, among other things, in research projects on sustainable urban development, international biodiversity politics, climate change, and public water supply at various universities and institutes in Hamburg, Frankurt on the Main, Berlin and Erkner. In the interim, he was also active as director of the Ökumenischen Netzes Rhein-Mosel-Saar (Ecumenical Network of Rhein, Mosel, Saar). Wissen has taught, to date, at the Universities of Berlin (FU), Kassel and Potsdam and, since 2008, has served as assistant professor at the Insitute for Political Science at the University of Vienna. The focal points of his research lie in the areas of international environmental politics, societal relationships to nature, and theories of the state. His lively publishing record (including numerous artcles and book contributions) has recently resulted in a joint publication with Ulrich Brand, Christoph Görg and Joachim Hirsch by Routledge London/New York entitled "Conflicts in Environmental Regulation and the Internationalisation of the State: Contested Terrains."