jopa (actually: Jopa Jotakin) was born in a stormy autumn night in 1986. She lives, loves, reads, writes, works & gets on the piss in Vienna. She is a part of the cultural club Einbaumöbel & the theatre-dance-performance-etc-group Grillhendl Rotation Crew. Knows finnish & dadaism. Since 2004 readings/performances in cafes, deserted factory halls, squats, cultural centers, festivals, houses of the arts & anywhere else where you can do a reading.
last published:
Angst! (ed: das fröhliche Wohnzimmer) publisher: Das fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Wien 2010
Ein Alphabet der Visuellen Poesie (ed: Günter Vallaster) publisher: edition ch, Wien 2010
EINBAUMÖBEL Volxlesung remixed - audiobook (ed: Kulturverein Einbaumöbel/Reinhard Mader) publisher: Einbaumöbel Publikationen, Wien 2010