Ashes to ashes, dust to dust... Sound. Experiment. Avant-garde. Ashes. Dust. Metal. From a disc of fully digitally processed drum and guitar samples developed in 2003 by Viennese sound artists Armin Steiner and Nik Hummer (who as part of Thilges3 operated on the cutting edge of art, noise and politics) emerged the project Metalycée. A name which tells of cerebral hardness, of guttural fantasy. A name which does not give too much away. Two years a go drummer Bernhard Breuer, bass guitarist Matija Schellander and singer Melita Jurisic completed the experimental growth, which did not evolve without consequence: The new album It Is Not belongs to another, more surreal tryst, between Free Jazz, Metal and, now, to Hip Hop. Those who need to name genres, may add Free Rap, even HipDrone, but nobody really needs categories. Above all, what concerns Metalycée is not awkward genre deconstructions, nor aimless experimentals. The concern is the whole, sublime truth of the sound. This truth is: there are no boundaries. It Is Not indicates that subtlety can also be deafening, that the most intensive noise can also consist of finesse. Or, more figuratively: It Is Not walks with a map of the South Bronx through Norwegian swamps, cesspools of beats, geysers of noise that break into industrial mud slicks. And over all that, over little death bells and deathly basses, comes the lyric furor of Melita Jurisic: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…