mimu at nite
A solo performance with voice, accordeon, violin and laptop. The accordeon is played minimalistically, either rhythmically or droning - according to the certain song, and the voice is layered over that solid ground in a very flexible way. the vocals are very narrative, the stories are clothed in metaphoric constructions of a flowery language. The laptop provides distinct atmospherical components such as field recordings of varying places (such as woods, cities) or incidents (fighting dogs, car accidents), or samples of old movies, that correlate to the context. The performance has it's full impact, when done in enviroments way off the usual concert-spaces, totally unplugged, indoor and outdoor, using the natural acoustics of the distinct area where it takes place. the soundscapes get transmitted to several solar-rechargeable and energy-independent radios that are spread in the area and the rest is done by the natural and authentic sound and power of instrument and voice. preferably at night, in the dark, under bridges, arches, in empty rooms, churches, waiting rooms at trainstations, farmhouses and stairways. a tour de moon, a walk through city and auditive enviroments.