Volker Eick is a political scientist active in the Faculty of Law, Centre for European Law and Politics at the University of Bremen. His primary fields of research include urban security regimes, the commercialization of security, security technology, workfare and new social movements. His latest publications include: „Lokale Kriminal- und Sicherheitspolitik“ ("Local Crime and Safety Policies") in: Heinz-Jürgen Dahme, Norbert Wohlfahrt (Hg.), Handbuch Kommunale Sozialpolitik, Hamburg 2011; „‘Secure Our Profits!’ The FIFA in Germany 2006“, in: Kevin Haggerty, Colin J. Bennett (Eds.), Security Games. Surveillance and Control at Mega-Events, New York 2011; „Policing ‘below the state’ in Germany: neocommunitarian soberness and punitive paternalism“, in: Contemporary Justice Review 14/1 (2011).