Discourse venues
The Schlossberg and its surrounding area offers many exciting venues to use:
Dom im Berg
The Schlossberg possesses a huge room inside the rocks as of recently. In the past, this was only frequented by a small mining train. A slight spookiness remains in this cavity inside the mountain.
The Dom im Berg venue is one of the most impressive venues, because it combines modern technology and the creepy cave-style of James Bond enemy's headquarter. The entrance is a tunnel through the hill, which was also build recently. A more comfortable way is to enter through the elevator inside of the mountain.www.domimberg.at
Forum Stadtpark
International platform for production and representation in the areas of phenomenology, cultural techniques, reflexion, construction, expression and rock.
Address: Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz
Grüne Akademie

The Green Academy is the Green Party's Styrian educational institution, and at the same time the Styrian branch of the Austrian Green Bildungswerkstatt (educational workshop). It has a mandate by law to provide widespread political education and training for staff, officers, mandatary and members of the Green Party.
Address: Karmeliterplatz, Paulustorgasse 3, 8010 Graz