Ernst Schriefl graduated in technological environmental protection (BOKU Vienna, TU Vienna) and IT (TU Vienna). He was employed at the Energy Economics Group of the TU Vienna (deparment of energy efficiency in buildings) from 1999 to 2007 and has been working for energieautark consulting since 2007. He is a co-founder and chairman of “ecoPolicy-Lab – association for the analysis, assessment and advancement of ecologically oriented policy concepts”. His current research projects include "Powerdown - A discussion of scenarios and developments of options of action on a communal level considering peak oil and climate change" (for which he collaborated with the BOKU Vienna and the Institute for Ecological Urban Development and the IFZ Vienna) as well as "Feasible Futures for the Common Good. Energy Transition Pathways in a Period of Increased Resource Scarcities" among others. Schriefl has been an environmental and social activist since the early 90s.
Energieautark Consulting GmbH, Powerdown- http://www.umweltbuero-klagenfurt.at/sos
- http://powerdown.at/powerdown-at/dmdocuments/Powerdown141210Resuemee.pdf