Elevate Awards 2014 - Public Call for Nominees
The public call for nominees for the Elevate Awards 2014 has started on October 28th 2013.

Nominations in all three categories of the award can be handed in from October 28th 2013 until May 1st 2014. All entered data is stored in our database and will only be used in connection with the Elevate Awards. Jurors and media partners have access to the data, so they can promote and present nominees. Personal data of nominators or nominees is only stored for communication in the course of the Elevate Awards.
After the public call for nominees has ended, nominations which match the criteria for the Elevate Awards will be rated and commented on by the Elevate team and the top five nominees will be selected to be voted on by the people (Elevate Award Steiermark and Elevate Artivism Award) in cooperation with our media partners (in October)
All top five nominees will be contacted by the Elevate team. Short introductionary videos will be produced to raise awareness and create attention for the top nominees. The videos can be used to promote the nominated projects and will be shared widely.
All nominated projects for the International Elevate Award, which match the criteria, will be rated and judged by the International Jury in two voting sessions. In the first session after the call for nominees has ended, the Jury Community will vote on the projects to find the top five contesters. In early September the winning project out of the top five will be voted on by the jury.
The Jury Community votes and rates the projects in an online system in two sessions and speakers of the jury write an explanatory statement about the votings. Speakers of the Jury will be present at the awards show on October 26th 2014 in Graz.
The public vote for the Elevate Award Steiermark and the Elevate Artivism Award will be done on the websites of our media partners Kleine Zeitung and FM4. The public voting will take place from October 1st until October 15th 2014.
If you have questions or comments about the proceedings, please write to: awards@elevate.at