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A red carpet trips up to the stage, where a light box stamped with the ubiquitous clocktower logo fades from purple through to orange. The awards themselves, miniature clocktowers in green, red and gold, rest demurely atop a soft-lit podium... David Charles blogs about the events of the Elevate.>> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinStefan Meretz strode onto the stage, eyes blazing, promising fire and brimstone. Channelling the revolutionary power of his medieval countryman, Martin Luther, Stefan proceeded to nail his iconoclastic theses to the door of the Elevate church... David Charles blogs about the events of the Elevate>> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinThis is a loose transcript of a dialogue between Michael Bauer, who works for the Open Knowledge Foundation in the School of Data, and Thomas Lohninger, who works as a software developer and studies Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna... David Charles blogs about the events >> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinThe danger of designing a discourse programme around the theme of "Open Everything?" is that, if you're unlucky, the discussions will end up being hijacked by ding-dong arguments over privacy... David Charles blogs about the events of the Elevate Festival.>> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinUntil October 2008, the people of Iceland were on top of the world. Capitalism worked, they thought, and they had the plasma screens to prove it. By the end of the month, the country had suffered a complete financial collapse. Nobody was ready: they were all watching their plasma screens... David Charles blogs about the events of the Elevate Festival.>> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinNach einem mächtig dronigen Text.Sound.Abend mit Wrekmeister harmonies, Ann Cotten, Dat Politics, Hella Comet und KAJKYT im Großen Minoritensaal geht das Elevate-Partnerfestival hoergeREDE 13 ab 19:15h in den Galerieräumlichkeiten des Kulturzentrums bei den Minoriten mit großer Diskussionsrunde und uraufgeführten Text-Ton-Perofrmances von Electric Indigo, Phil Minton, dieb13, Raphael Urweider und weiteren in die nächste Runde!>> mehr
Magazin, Music + ArtsJacob Appelbaum has something to hide: he is delivering this year's Elevate Festival Opening Speech. David Charles blogs about the events of the Elevate Festival.>> mehr
Diskurs Blog, MagazinDer Dungeon-Floor widmet sich am Freitag einem Genre, das sich zwar irgendwo zwischen Punk und Techno verorten, aber nur schwer benennen lässt. >> mehr
Music + Arts, MagazinMurstrom Podcast
Elevate Nachbesprechung und Review mit Daniel Erlacher vom Elevate Team
Elevate Festival zum Nachhören
Ist eine offene Gesellschaft eine freie Gesellschaft?
von: Karin Schuster
Diskursgäste im Interview mit Adrian Engel und Max Sommer
Elevate Interview - Esther Kamber
Diskursgäste im Interview mit Adrian Engel und Max Sommer
Elevate Interview - Wolfgang Ritschl
Diskursgäste im Interview mit Adrian Engel und Max Sommer
Elevate Interview - Linnea Riensberg
Diskursgäste im Interview mit Adrian Engel und Max Sommer
Elevate Interview - Sam Muirhead