Imagine running into The Clonious, that dude equipped with hundred  headphones which directly interact with his musical epicentre. Think about an irresistible moment when a complex organic-mechanical clone process starts. A clone process which manifests in his ...[more]


The Incredible Hexadecibels are Rewa Wright & Jonathan Bruce. A New Zealand based audiovisual duo, they have come together to experiment with new techniques in live performance. Rewa Wright [Master of Arts (Film, TV, Media Studies), Master of Literature (Art History)] is a ...[more]


The Striggles bust all expectations of rock, indie, and other compartmentalizations of the genre, going zestfully against the grain, taking the building blocks of rock and blues apart through the decades to gleefully rebuild them a new ' yet rock n' roll they stay: uninhibited, ...[more]


woei works in a multi-media area between design, technology, and live visuals. It is above all the conjunction of these three vertices from a generative-interactive design to a new form that stands in the foreground of his practice. The 1983 digital artist, born Woeishi Lean in ...[more]


In the sense of Common Digits, a bridge is constructed between analogue and digital terrains. With pen and game controller, a fusion of the performative and visual takes place in real-time without hitting copy/paste. Whether in a public space or on stage, the light installations ...[more]