DJ Redstar, a.k.a Bogdanovic, had had no more desire for boring radio programs in 1995, and therefore started a16 year long DJ career by making mix tapes and distributing them amongst his friends. Thanks to enormous inspirations such as DJ Shadow and DJ DSL, he became interested ...[more]


Reflector, the guitar-drum-kit-roll from Graz, evokes the by now 12 year old punk soul of metal avant-garde. Walls of sound are piled up heavily, sedately, and powerfully, yet also mediated by a kind of raw punk that comes through repetitive abrasiveness and enormous pressure. ...[more]


Mimu & Richard Eigner write spook-inducing tracks that ransack your cranium`s music shelves for boxes marked »Indie«, »Minimal Music« and »Electronica«. Richard works mainly as a composer and sound-artist and has contributed to various productions as a session drummer for ...[more]


  • 26.10.2009
  • Sebastian Feyerabend DJ Set
  • Parkhouse

The name 'Feyerabend' resonates with the German word 'Feierabend,' meaning 'closing time,' or that point in time when the work day ends and the celebratory phase of freedom before bedtime begins. Through it, (Sebastian) Feyerabend weaves his celebration-worthy house, break-beat, ...[more]


Before the electro-infused indie and post-rock of today, there was Seefeel; a UK based electronic-rock outfit halfway between the often connected worlds of British indie rock and experimental techno. Begun as a standard rock band in early 1992, the quartet soon grew bored within ...[more]


Debuting in 2005 on Graz` Houseverbot imprint as one third of the Winterstrand collective, Simon/off`s unique style has been constantly evolving since then. Being heavily influenced by Dubstep and IDM-ish sounds recently, his tunes enjoy support by the likes of DJ Distance ...[more]


Born within the sound of Bow Bells (a real Londoner for the uninformed ; )), and raised in peaceful Cornwall, Slack Hippy left England in search of pastures new. Living since 1991 in Vienna, he is regularly DJing in most of the top spots in and around Vienna and Austria. He is a ...[more]


The Graz DJ with a keen love of hip-hop was one of the pioneers of Austria's minimal techno scene. He's not only cultivated a record collection for over ten years now but is also known for his outstanding break-beat mixing that borrows from hip-hop. Musically inspired by rock, ...[more]


Imagine running into The Clonious, that dude equipped with hundred  headphones which directly interact with his musical epicentre. Think about an irresistible moment when a complex organic-mechanical clone process starts. A clone process which manifests in his ...[more]


The Incredible Hexadecibels are Rewa Wright & Jonathan Bruce. A New Zealand based audiovisual duo, they have come together to experiment with new techniques in live performance. Rewa Wright [Master of Arts (Film, TV, Media Studies), Master of Literature (Art History)] is a ...[more]