Good Food for Everyone?

Kathrin Hartmann (Author: „Ende der Märchenstunde“ / DE)
Irmi Salzer (Via Campesina / AT)
Franziskus Forster (AgrarAttac / AT)
Herwig Schuster (Greenpeace / AT)
Katharina Soos (Krautkopf – Foodcoop Graz / AT)
Micha Matzer (Bioladen Matzer / AT)
Moderation: Thomas Waitz (AT)
„Save the oceans eating fish sticks, the rainforest while drinking beer and human lives with diapers: If you go shopping today, you could think the salvation of the world is imminent. Corporations are scarce, which do not emphasize their “responsibility” on their webpage or have marketed a product that complies with the requirements of ethical thinking consumers. Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability – Lohas in short – is the ethically embellished shopping trend.” Says Kathrin Hartmann, author of “Das Ende der Märchenstunde – Wie die Industrie die Lohas und Lifestyle-Ökos vereinnahmt” [The end of the fairy tale hour – How the industry appropriates Lohas and Lifestyle-Ecologists] and critic of a system that advocates greenwashing instead of fundamental changes needed to battle climate change and environmental destruction. If there is no right shopping in a wrong economic system, as Hartmann concludes, and which alternatives critically thinking people still have, will be discussed together with representatives of NGOs, activists and producers.