Ways out of the crisis: New alliances and common strategies of progressive forces of civil society

Fritz Pichlmann (Attac / AT)
Michaela Moser (Armutskonferenz / AT)
Niklas Schinerl (Greenpeace / AT)
Anna Daimler (vida – die Lebensgewerkschaft / AT)
Moderation: Brigitte Kratzwald (commons.at / AT)
The worst post-war economic crisis is not over here either. As a consequence of the governments aiding those who caused the crisis with billions of euros, economic measures are being devised that will bring massive cuts in social services and a further redistribution towards the wealthy. As a sensible socioecological tax reform will not be tackled, money will continue to be short for consequent climate protection measures.
The current campaign “Wege aus der Krise” [Ways out of the crisis] demonstrates in an impressive way that there are also alternative models to consolidate budgets and simultaneously start the urgent change towards a more just and sustainable society. Initiated by an association of Attac, the unions Vida, PRO-GE and GdG-KMSfB as well as the ecology groups Global 2000 and Greenpeace, the Katholische ArbeitnehmerInnen-Bewegung, the Armutskonferenz and SOS Mitmensch, today more than 50 other organizations support the campaign.
The discussion with representatives of some of these organizations should shed light on which new strategies, alliances and forms of action can be used to counter the continuation of our government's and the EU's neoliberal agenda.
How can we contribute to the mobilization of large sections of society and the change of power relations, so that common images of a socially just society, in which effective climate and environmental conservation are self-evident, can be realized?