The Big Brother Awards (BBA) are international anti-awards, which are bestowed annually on authorities, companies, organisations and individuals. Recognised are those who have been acting particularly and consistently to violate people's privacy, or who disclosed people's personal data to third parties.
The awards are intended to draw public attention to privacy issues and alarming trends. They were launched in Britain by Privacy International in 1998 and in Austria in 1999. The name of the Big Brother Awards is an allusion to the character Big Brother from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
The Elevate Festivel broadcasts this year's gala live from Vienna, and will be represented at the show in the Viennese Rabenhof via video stream.
Friday, 25 Oct
20:00 - 22:00
Forum Stadtpark
- http://www.bigbrotherawards.at
- http://quintessenz.at/
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_Awards