In an open discussion, activists and champions of free networks and free knowledge, as well as of protection of privacy, will examine two aspects of new technologies and their impacts on society - the potential for self-empowerment and participation, and the threat of total surveillance. The basic concepts of Open Data, Open Knowlegde, data retention and e-mail encryption will be explained. Finally, the question of what it would mean to live in an open society will be discussed. How can privacy be protected in the face of ubiquitous surveillance - and is this even desirable, or was the idea of privacy only a mistake of civil society? How can access to information and knowledge and the participation in decision-making in an open society be organised? Whoever is concerned with the ability to act in complex systems, is ultimately faced with the question of power.
Thursday, 24 Oct
12:00 - 13:00
Forum Stadtpark
Thomas Lohninger (at)
Michael Bauer (at)
Moderation: Brigitte Kratzwald (Elevate)