Widerstand in Haiderland: Masse ohne Macht? (AT/2010)

+ Q&A with Frederick Baker (director / AT)
February 2000: Mass demonstrations are sparked in Austria when a coalition government of the FPÖ and ÖVP are sworn into office. For more than two years, the so-called “Thursday demonstrations” trek through Vienna. 10 years later, the documentary film “Widerstand im Haiderland” draws a balance and draws a time line from key phrases in mass media, over highlights in demonstration culture, to Jörg Haider's funeral in Carinthia.
Including comments by Josef Hader, actor and former patron of the “embassy of concerned citizens”; Andreas Khol, former ÖVP chairman and host of the secret coalition negotiations; Manuela Kräuter, former squatter of the ÖVP party headquarters roof and mother of “resistance baby” Luca; Anneliese Gesswein, ex-ÖVP-voter and “demonstration granny”and many more.